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South Africa elections 2024: What you need to know

2024-06-03 18:13:30 source:Culture Current news portalViews:484次

CAPE TOWN, South Africa (AP) — South Africa’s election will determine how weary the country has become of the ruling African National Congress party, which has been in power since the end of the apartheid system of white minority rule 30 years ago.

President Cyril Ramaphosa and the ANC are struggling to keep their parliamentary majority and opinion polls predict that the party will likely receive less than 50% of the national vote for the first time in the May 29 election.

That doesn’t mean that the beleaguered ANC will be out of power in Africa’s most advanced economy.

Even as the famous organization once led by Nelson Mandela has seen a decline in its popularity, no one has risen to a position to replace it. Instead, South Africans who have turned away from the ANC have gone looking for answers among an array of opposition parties.

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