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Toddler's mother claims his nursery asked her if her four month old baby boy was non

2024-06-03 21:25:07 source:Culture Current news portalViews:158次

A mother has claimed a nursery asked her if her four-month-old baby boy was non-binary.

The parent was left baffled when asked which gender her child identified as when she filled out an application form. 

She discussed her bemusement on parenting forum Mumsnet in which she said her husband had suggested it was due to a 'woke parent complaining'.

She joked on the post made in August 2023: 'I've asked my baby whether he feels comfortable in the sex he was born as but he declined to answer and then vomited on me…

'Seriously though, should I challenge this? It seems absurd.'

A mother has claimed a nursery asked her if her four-month-old baby boy was non-binary (Pictured: A stock image of children playing at a nursery)

A mother has claimed a nursery asked her if her four-month-old baby boy was non-binary (Pictured: A stock image of children playing at a nursery)

The mother was left baffled when a nursery asked her if her four-month-old baby boy was non-binary

The mother was left baffled when a nursery asked her if her four-month-old baby boy was non-binary

The mother said she was filling out forms for her tot to start the baby room at the daycare provider when she spotted one of the options for the child's gender was non-binary. 

READ MORE: Over 300 schools including primaries, secondaries and even nurseries told to stop calling pupils 'boys and girls' after signing up to scheme run by controversial trans rights lobbying group Stonewall  


She said it wasn't on the form when her eldest child had attended. 

The mother explained she did not want to 'publicly humiliate the entire nursery' which had been 'truly wonderful over the last few years', especially as she was 'pretty sure the form has come about because of one useful idiot at management level'.

She said: 'Filling in paperwork for my son to start in the baby room in a few month's time and the question is as follows:

'Child Gender: Male / Female / Non binary

'This is a form for children aged 3 months to 4 years.'

The post provoked fury among other parents with one saying the 'world's gone mad, utterly ridiculous'.

'I know how your baby feels. I always want to vomit when I'm asked if I'm male, female or non-binary,' another joked.

Meanwhile one suggested: 'Please circle non binary and ask them how they intend to handle it.

'Do they have separate toilets? How will they explain away his willy to the other children when potty training or changing?

The post caused fury among parents with one calling on the mother to send the form to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and education watchdog Ofsted

The post caused fury among parents with one calling on the mother to send the form to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and education watchdog Ofsted

'The world has quite clearly gone mad. I'm really not sure I'd want to use them quite honestly.

'No such nonsense is asked out ours (although there is space to add any additional info - say if your child has two heads or such like).'

Another joked: 'You could reply: "I don't know, they can't verbalise anything yet."'

Others described it as 'f***ing ridiculous' and 'beyond ridiculous'.

'I'd pick a different nursery,' another said.

And one called for her to send a copy to education watchdog Ofsted, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, and her local MP so 'they can't deny it is happening'.

'I bet a parent complained so they had to change the form,' another added.

And one joked: 'Tell em he's cakegender and ask how they propose to affirm and support his identity. Sorry, cake's identity.'

Two years ago, Stonewall suggested children as young as two could be trans and urged nurseries to rethink their 'binary understanding' of pre-assigned gender.

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