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Family Does Part to Benefit Society

2024-06-03 18:25:12 source:Culture Current news portalViews:702次
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Family Does Part to Benefit Society

ByYao Yao June 24, 2023


Zhu Maojin lives with his family — three generations — in a courtyard in Caochang Community, on Qianmen Street, in Beijing's Dongcheng District. Prior to Spring Festival 2019, in early February, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, visited Zhu's home. During his visit, Xi made dumplings and snacks, and he had cordial talks with Zhu's family. Zhu says his family has followed Xi's guidance to keep alive the memories of Beijing's hutong. Zhu's family has done its part to maintain their courtyard, live an environmentally friendly life, participate in the grass-roots governance of their community, and help protect the environment of their beautiful hutong. Zhu's family was named a National Most Beautiful Family in May.

Promoting Good Manners 

"My home has been a 'popular tourist spot' since General Secretary Xi's visit, in early 2019. My family has received individuals and visiting groups from places across China," Zhu says.

Every time Zhu and his family receive visitors, they like to share the happiness and joy they felt when Xi visited their home. Moreover, they take the renovation and protection of their courtyard as an example, and they outline to visitors the great changes that have occurred in their hutong. In making a comparison, the Zhus talk about the benefits ordinary families have received since China implemented its reform and opening-up policy in 1978. They tell their visitors vivid stories about the old residence's new life, in a modern community, and they share the folk customs and traditional culture of old Beijing.


Zhu, 76, was deputy director of Beijing Matches Factory before his retirement. His wife, He Lihua, is three years younger than Zhu. She used to work for Beijing Taxi Company, the predecessor of Beijing Beiqi Taxi Group Co., Ltd. Their daughter, Zhu Xinran, and son-in-law, Fang Yi, both work at the China National Archives of Publications and Culture.

Zhu Maojin says neither he nor his family expected they would be named a National Most Beautiful Family. The family in 2022 was selected one of the most beautiful families in Dongcheng District. Later, the family was named one of the top-10 most beautiful families of the Chinese capital.

"What could be the reason for such an ordinary family, like ours, being named a National Most Beautiful Family? We have asked ourselves this question. We think a part of the reason might be the majority of the families across our country are ordinary families. We, as one of the most ordinary families, may set a good example for others once we become a most beautiful family," Zhu Maojin says.


The Zhus hold firm to the virtues of loving the motherland, and also loving the family, being kind to others, obeying laws and discipline, and living in peace and harmony with family members. "My father and his siblings maintained intimate relations. This has left a positive influence upon me and the relatives of my generation. I live apart from my brothers and sisters, but we are close with each other," Zhu Maojin explains.

Promoting Happiness, Harmony 

Zhu Maojin and his family are honest with their neighbors. They make donations to charitable organizations, through which they help people who are in need. Since the 1990s, He has "paired up" with two impoverished households in Xingtang, a county in Shijiazhuang, capital of North China's Hebei Province. He and her family have helped support the two families.

The Zhus care about migrant workers, who provide various services to their community. "We once suggested residents in our community make dumplings, to treat migrant workers who stayed in Beijing during the Chinese New Year. We hope the initiative will continue, as a warm action to benefit migrant workers who provide services to us, even in Spring Festival holidays," Zhu Maojin says. His suggestion has been supported by cadres who work in the community.


Zhu's family has invited street cleaners, security guards and express-delivery workers to their courtyard for Spring Festival meals. The migrant workers feel like they are at a home away from home.

Zhu Maojin says he regularly participates in residents' discussions concerning the governance of their community. He and other residents have offered advice on raising pets, and on improving the environment of courtyards in the community. Sometimes, Zhu Maojin brainstorms with his family to develop good ideas about how to improve life in the community.

"We all know that only if the 'big family' of our community becomes better, will every 'small household,' in this community, enjoy a happier life. Since we have been named a National Most Beautiful Family, we now shoulder a greater responsibility to participate in the building of our community. We must remember General Secretary Xi's guidance, to protect well our courtyard, and to protect well our hutong, as a basic cell of the city of Beijing," Zhu Maojin says. 


Photos Supplied by Interviewees and Fan Wenjun

(Source: The Department of Family and Children's Affairs of the All-China Women's Federation / Women of China)


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